2024. május 21-23. között Isztambul adott otthont a RIDEbi Erasmus+ projektünk partnertalálkozójának.
The representatives of the Leading Language and Technology Institute, the Ugur Okulları Kartal Kampüs and our Studio attended a magical opening event on the first day, which was also graced by the presence of the Hungarian Consulate representative Zsuzsanna Pálmai. During the rest of the day we visited the school of our hosts, where we had the opportunity to get an insight into their teaching methods and the daily life of the institution. We then listened to reports from the organisations involved in the project, detailing the progress made so far.
On the second day, we explored the historic centre of Istanbul, spread over two continents; walking through the vast halls of the Sunken Palace (Basilica Cisterna), admiring the centuries-old mosques, the treasures within and relaxing in the surrounding parks.
During the meeting on the 3rd day, we clarified the professional contents, agreed on deadlines and also agreed on the date of the next meeting in France. At the end of the professional programme we met local children from the RIDEbi programme, who offered us their homemade Turkish dishes.
When we were in Istanbul, we naturally visited another partner school, Florya Kolejii, where we were warmly welcomed by the leaders, teachers and students participating in the RIDEX programme.
Our RIDEbi project 2023-1-HU01-KA210-SCH-000165365 aims to promote the education and popularisation of robotics in schools.
Read more about the RIDE programme (now in more and more languages…): https://www.riderobotics.eu