
We are in the final of the European Digital Skills Awards 2024!

We are proud to announce that the RIDE (Inclusive Development of Atypical and Typical Children with Robotics) methodology, maintained by Abacusan Studio, has been selected as one of the 5 finalists in the Digital Skills for Education category! The professional work of the development of the methodology is coordinated by …

The institutional potential of 3D printing: innovation and creativity

The integration of 3D printing into institutions is not only a technological innovation, but also an excellent opportunity for creativity, personalisation and educational renewal. Learning/working with such tools stimulates students’ interest in STEM fields and gives talented students the opportunity to showcase and develop their creativity. The integration of 3D …


The UNIVERSAL ROBOTICS CHALLENGE – URC 2024 is an opportunity for your students to show their creativity and innovation skills! Building on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the challenge encourages them to design and build robots or machines that promote healthy living and well-being for all. A variety of official …

The Abacusan Studio’s toolkit has been further expanded

Szeretnénk veletek megosztani, hogy az Abacusan Stúdió tovább halad az innováció útján! Mindig is fontos volt számunkra, hogy lépést tartsunk a legfrissebb technológiákkal és eszközökkel, hogy minél jobban szolgálhassuk a kreatív és innovatív oktatást. Örömmel számolunk be, hogy eszközparkunk tovább bővült egy Creality márkájú 3D nyomtatóval. Miért vagyunk ennyire lelkesek? …

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